MHRAC - Subcommittees:
Cleveland Department of Public Health
Data & Growth Subcommittee:
The MHRAC Data and Growth Subcommittee works to identify problems and develop solutions to improve crisis outcomes for Cleveland Division of Police. We hope to provide guidance to improving, expanding, and sustaining the CDP CIT Program and we will look at data to analyze certain metrics pertaining to CIT response to 911 calls.
Chair: Angela Cecys – Contact:
Co-Chair: Lt. John Mullin – Contact:
Meeting ID: 288 880 142 922
Passcode: GpiabS
Training Subcommittee:
The MHRAC Training Committee collaborates to help determine and make recommendations to Cleveland Division of Police on which trainings might be beneficial for Cleveland Division of Police Officers to learn about new and emerging behavioral health related topics. They help to guide and make recommendations for CDP’s annual In-service Training, help to inform and structure behavioral health related training for Cleveland dispatchers, and supports the current Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) 40- hour training that certifies Specialized Crisis Intervention Trained (SCIT) Officers for the Division.
Chair: Carole Ballard - Contact:
Meeting ID: 839 7129 7999
Passcode: 110277
Community Engagement Subcommittee:
The MHRAC Community Engagement Committee supports two primary charges of the MHRAC: to "foster better relationships" and to "develop solutions that improve crisis outcomes." Our work is to forge partnerships across the community and act as a bridge for ideas that can help us improve outcomes to crisis in our community.
Chair: Angela Cecys – Contact:
Meeting ID: 295 388 108 77
Passcode: QaLgPg
Youth Subcommittee:
The newest addition to the MHRAC Subcommittees! Members of MHRAC felt the need to include a voice for youth and youth voices at the MHRAC table. Stay tuned for more information on what this subcommittee will focus on!
Bree Easterling - Contact:
Habeebah Grimes - Contact:
Next Meeting:
Every 4th Friday of the Month at 9:30am
Meeting ID: 295 052 667 939
Passcode: WjaaTH